Models of Pride is the world’s largest FREE event for LGBTQ youth & allies 24 and younger, as well as parents & professionals. This year’s event will include an opening session, workshops, resources, and entertainment – all free!
The 32nd Annual Models of Pride event will be Sunday, October 20th from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, Anita May Rosenstein Campus, 1151 N. Las Palmas Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038.
Benefits to registering in advance include receiving important pre-event information and being entered into a pre-registration prize drawings!
We are committed to making Models of Pride as inclusive and accessible as possible. Please assist us by using respectful language and not making assumptions. For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations, please email [email protected] at least three weeks prior to the conference.
The Parent & Professional Institute at Models of Pride offers family members, educators, professionals, and all other adult supporters of LGBTQ youth an unparalleled opportunity to learn, network, and develop community with others on a similar journey. The day will include tailored workshops, discussions, resources, and exclusive programming.
LGBTQ+ typically refers to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer. We utilize the acronym as an umbrella term that is often used to refer to the community, recognizing that identities like intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and others are valid and wholeheartedly welcome at Models of Pride.
- Cisgender Woman: someone who was assigned female at birth and personally identifies wholly as a woman
- Cisgender Man: someone who was assigned male at birth and personally identifies as a man
- Transgender Man: someone who was assigned female at birth and personally identifies as a man
- Transgender Woman: someone who was assigned male at birth and personally identifies as woman
- Gender Queer: a gender identity label often used by people who do not identify within the binary of man/woman
- Nonbinary: an umbrella term to describe any gender identity that does not fit into the gender binary of male and female.
- Pansexual: a person who is pansexual (abbreviated pan) can be attracted to members of all genders/expressions.
- Queer: an umbrella term used to describe individuals who do not identify as straight or cisgender. Because of its historical use as a slur, queer is not embraced by all LGBTQ people, but some LGBT communities have reclaimed the word in recent years.
- Bisexual: attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; traditionally: attracted to both men and women.
- Lesbian: women who are attracted to other women
- Gay: someone who is attracted solely (or primarily) to the same gender (gay is also sometimes used as an umbrella term for the LGBT community)
- Straight: someone whose primary attraction is to someone of the opposite gender
- Asexual: someone who experiences little or no sexual attraction to others; sometimes abbreviated “ace”
In the past, workshop topics have included Activism/Social Justice, Ally Community & Issues, Arts & Culture, Coming Out/Families, Education/Careers, Gender (i.e. Queer, Trans, Intersex, etc.), Health, People of Color Community & Issues, Self-Empowerment, Sexualities (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Pan, Fluid, etc.), and Spirituality/Faith.
In the past, workshop topics for the Parent & Professional Institute track have included Allyship, Child Welfare/System(s) of Care/Juvenile Justice, Dating & Healthy Relationships, Education, Faith & Spirituality, Legal Rights, Mental Health, Parent Support/Resources, Sexual Health, Support Trans/Gender-Expansive Youth, Support for LGBTQ+ Youth 13 and Under, and Racial Justice.
After a successful transition in 2010, the Los Angeles LGBT Center has grown Models of Pride from less than 500 youth in attendance to over 1,500. LifeWorks proudly continues the Models of Pride tradition that for so many years has been a life changing experience for thousands of youth. And, as times change for the better, Models of Pride continues to adjust to meet the ever-changing needs of LGBTQ youth.
- AVA Hollywood at La Pietra Place, 6677 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90038 – $15 flat rate – 2 min walk to event entrance.
- 959 Seward St, Los Angeles, CA 90038 – $16.50 flat rate all day, 8 min walk to the event entrance.
Connect with Us
For questions and sponsorship opportunities, please email: [email protected]